Accessibility and Inclusion
Specific Needs
As an Inclusive Church, we aim to be as accessible and welcoming as possible.
If you have a special need or see things that we could do to help, then please tell Phil Barker who has a Watching Brief on these issues, or one of the other Elders (identifiable by their badge).
A Hearing Loop system is fitted in the Sanctuary (main Church building), Highbridge Hall, and Room 1.
The Britwell Hall Kitchen has height-adjustable work-tops.
Ramped Access
Main doorway between Britwell Rd and the Sanctuary;
Britwell Hall doorway, by the foyer, near Britwell Road.
Doorways to Highbridge Hall corridor: by Britwell Road
and near North transept.
Doorway between Room 1 and the car park.
A ramp is available to help access the dais in the Sanctuary.
Accessible Parking
Four identifiable spaces in the car-park.
One identifiable space (or “H”) in Britwell Road.
Accessible Toilets
In the Vestibule by the Sanctuary (end furthest from the Tower)
In the Britwell Hall foyer, (which also includes a toilet of a size that younger children might use more easily).
In the Highbridge Hall corridor.
These toilets, when vacant, are available to anyone who needs to use them – however, if you are able to access the toilets off the Long Corridor between Highbridge Hall and Britwell Hall then please do so to give priority to other people who might be in greater need of the more accessible ones.
Each of the three accessible facilities also has a fold-down surface to enable nappy-changing for babies.
We can provide water, plus a gluten-free option as an alternative to the non-alcoholic wine, bread or wafers offered. (Gluten-free options may also be available as refreshments after worship).
If, for example, you have a perching-stool and need assistance to transfer it from a vehicle just outside our buildings into one of our rooms, then we will try our very best to assist you with this.
- There are baby changing facilities in all three 'access for all' toilets. Britwell Hall also has a child-sized toilet.
- Although there are 2 steps onto the dais, this should never prevent anyone from taking part in leading worship. Portable microphones are available.